Holistic Weightloss with Pilates

Body Line Pilates Instructor Sabrina

Sabrina once suffered from class III obesity with a BMI of 42. She began doing Pilates in 2019 and is now passing on what she’s learned as a certified BASI© Pilates instructor.

Holistic Weightloss with Pilates
Pilates for the obese and overweight

According to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, around 42% of the adult population are overweight, 11% of them obese.

A few extra kilos don’t pose a problem as long as the individual remains physically active. If that is not the case, or if those few kilos develop into more, it can not only lead to a reduction in the general sense of well-being but has also been proven to play a role in the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, vitamin D deficiency, and depression. Studies have show that people who are overweight suffer at a higher than average rate of postural defects, particularly in the back (dowager’s hump, sway back), knees, and ankles.

The reasons for obesity are complex, and overweight people often find themselves confronted with prejudices. They are frequently held responsible for their weight on the premise that they don’t get enough exercise and eat too much. Obesity is a chronic illness that requires a holistic approach to treat. The World Health Organization has classified obesity as a disease since 2008.

The important thing is that the individual has an intrinsic motivation to explore the root causes of their obesity. In addition to unhealthy eating habits, these may include thyroid disease, a hormonal imbalance, or other factors that may influence weight which require medical treatment.

Whatever the case, it is always recommended that the overweight individual undergo an analysis of their eating habits and take steps toward making changes, including doing something good for themselves and becoming more active in order to avoid postural defects and increase energy levels.

Due to the frequency of postural defects and weight-related stress on the joints, physical activities are recommended which provide the body with some support, such as swimming or Pilates. Pilates is a whole-body fitness method which offers many advantages, such as: addressing the client’s specific postural defects, strengthening of the core stability muscles, stretching of the body to achieve greater mobility, and focus on the individual’s own body during the session.

One of our coaches, Sabrina, suffered from class III obesity herself, with a BMI of 42. Sabrina suffered from hypertension, the initial stages of sleep apnea, vitamin D deficiency – despite supplements – elevated inflammation values, hyperkyphosis (dowager’s hump), hyperlordosis (swayback), knee problems, splayfoot, swollen legs, and chronic muscle tension and pain in her neck and hips.

She was diet-resistant and underwent a gastric bypass operation in 2019. The operation was her first step toward a complete turnaround of her life, which included a shift in eating habits and starting with Pilates. With an initial weight of over 120 kg, she began working on the Reformer and doing mat exercises.

Today, Sabrina has reached her feel-good weight of around 80 kg, with a high percentage of muscle mass. Her posture has improved markedly, and she now lives pain-free. Physical activity has become a vital aspect of her life to make her feel good and relax.

She passed the BASI Pilates instructor exam in 2022, and now has a desire to pass her knowledge on to her clients. If you are looking for someone who understands your problems and will work with you compassionately on an individual basis, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Sima Bürgin
Beethovenstrasse 43
8002 Zürich

Phone: 076 377 36 31

Good to know:

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is 30x higher with a BMI of 30 (class I obesity), and 100x higher with a BMI of 35 (class II obesity)!

Studies have shown that overweight individuals with a BMI over 25 and the morbidly obese lead much healthier lifestyles when they are involved in sports than non-overweight individuals who do not engage in sports. Eighty percent of type 2 diabetes cases are found in those who are overweight or obese.

Type 2 diabetes is strongly linked to comorbidity and comorbility!

If you have any questions about our range of offers, contact us by email: pilates@simaburgin.com

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